pet rats


Let's dwell on the “breeds” of rats. There are only six of them: standard, rex, satin (satin), sphinx, dumbo and tailless. These rats are the progenitors of all other breeds of decorative rats.

Diana Dashkevich breeds pets facts Animals 27 November 2023

Rats are very fond of nuts, sweet berries, meat and other protein foods. However, the consumption of all these treats should be limited so as not to harm the pet’s health. It is recommended to give treats no more than 2-3 times a week.

Diana Dashkevich pets facts feeding animal care Animals 8 November 2023

Rats, like humans, sometimes eat out of boredom, which can lead to obesity. Therefore, it is important to notice the first signs of boredom in your pet and provide comfortable conditions.

Diana Dashkevich pets pets facts animal care Animals 15 October 2023

Rats can be given protein in the form of unsalted meat, cottage cheese, yogurt, cheese, seafood.

Diana Dashkevich pets feeding animal care Animals 26 August 2023

These are amazingly smart and quick-witted animals, they swim well and crawl along the ropes. Animal psychologists even believe that rats are superior in intelligence to cats. These rodents have a very good memory: they respond to their nicknames. Rats are able to think logically.

Diana Dashkevich animal facts animal care pets facts Animals 19 August 2023
rat and apple

While it's tempting to share natural treats with your pet rats, not all fruits are safe for their consumption.  Some seemingly innocent fruits can actually pose risks and lead to digestive problems for these adorable critters. 

Kate Yakimchuk pet health fruits pets facts Animals 21 July 2023
pet rat

The notion that rats shouldn't eat cheese is somewhat of a misconception perpetuated by popular culture and cartoons.  In reality, rats can and do eat cheese, and it is not inherently toxic to them. 

Kate Yakimchuk pets pets facts pet health Animals 19 July 2023
pet rat

Pet rats can be shy, but they cal also be pretty sociable creatures who love spending time with their owners. If your pet rat frequently hides in its house, there could be several reasons for this behavior.

Kate Yakimchuk pets pets facts Animals 19 July 2023

Rats are amazingly smart and quick-witted animals. In the article we will tell about the unexpected similarity of these rodents with humans.

Diana Dashkevich pets pets facts animal facts studies Animals 17 July 2023

Rats are amazing and intelligent animals that people often keep. In the article we will tell you why rats really need whiskers.

Diana Dashkevich pets animal facts pets facts studies Animals 17 July 2023

If you have a pet rat, then you should know not to use wooden litter for it. While wooden litter might seem like a natural and eco-friendly option for pet rats, it is generally not recommended for several reasons.

Kate Yakimchuk pets pets facts pet health Animals 17 July 2023

Decorative rats are unusual and interesting pets. In the article we will tell you what is important to know about these small animals in the first place.

Diana Dashkevich animal care facts pets facts Animals 15 July 2023

It is important to take responsibility for choosing a pet so that the animal does not suffer and lives a comfortable life. Comfort and convenience are also important for the owner.

Diana Dashkevich pets animal care cats dogs Animals 8 June 2023

Before you start a pet, you should figure out how to do it correctly and safely. In the article we will tell you how to arrange a comfortable life for fluffy pets and what is important to consider in keeping these animals.

Diana Dashkevich animal care facts Animals 7 June 2023

Rats are interesting pets that are not so difficult to care for. However, it is important to be aware of some of the nuances.

Diana Dashkevich animal care facts Animals 5 June 2023
pet rat

Rat owners often notice their pets "laughing". It's hard to believe that pet rats can laugh just like humans do, but what are those sounds, then?

Kate Yakimchuk pets facts pets Animals 1 June 2023

Domestic rats are descended from the brown Norwegian rat. We have prepared for you the most interesting facts about domestic rodents.

Diana Dashkevich animal care pets facts Animals 29 May 2023

For the safety and health of the pet, it is important to pay due attention to the nutrition of the animal and be aware of the prohibitions. In the article, you will learn what is recommended and prohibited from food for rats.

Diana Dashkevich feeding animal care Animals 27 May 2023

For a comfortable life of a pet, it is important to choose the right cage. In the article, we will talk about all the nuances.

Diana Dashkevich animal care advices Animals 26 May 2023

Proper nutrition is essential for your pet's health. Healthy food keeps the animal healthy and prevents the development of diseases in the animal. In the article, you will find out what food is allowed for domestic rats.

Diana Dashkevich animal care feeding pets facts Animals 18 May 2023